KCET Syllabus

KCET-Karnataka Common Entrance Test

KCET syllabus is based on the first year and second year PUC syllabus as determined by the department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State. The details of the KCET syllabus are given below. The candidates are advised to go through the syllabus before they start their preparation for KCET.

KCET Physics Syllabus
I PU Physics Syllabus II PU Physics Syllabus
1. Units and measurements 1. Electromagnetic Induction
2. Gravitation 2. Electromagnetic Waves
3. Physical Worlds 3. Magnetism and Matter
4. Motion in a straight line 4. Alternating Current
5. Mechanical Properties of Fluids 5. Atoms
6. Mechanical Properties of Solids 6. Nuclei
7. Thermodynamics 7. Communication Systems
8. Kinetic Theory 8. Units and measurements
9. Oscillations
KCET Chemistry Syllabus
I PU Chemistry Syllabus II PU Chemistry Syllabus
1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 1. Solid State
2. Structure of Atom 2. Solutions
3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 3. Electrochemistry
4. States of Matter: Gases and Liquids 4. Surface Chemistry
5. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 5. Aldehydes and Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
6. Chemical Thermodynamics 6. Halo-alkanes and Haloarene
7. Equilibrium 7. Alcohols, Phenols and Ether
8. Redox Reactions 8. Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen
9. Hydrogen 9. Biomolecules
10. S-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) 10. Chemical kinetics
11. Some p-Block Elements 11. General Principles and Process of Isolation of Elements
12. Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques 12. d and f Block Elements
13. Hydrocarbons 13. p-Block Elements
14. Environmental Chemistry 14. Co-ordination Compounds
15. Polymers
16. Chemistry in everyday life
KCET Mathematics Syllabus
I PU Mathematics Syllabus II PU Mathematics Syllabus
1. Introduction to 3D Geometry 1. Matrices
2. Statistics 2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
3. Mathematical Reasoning 3. Linear Programming
4. Linear Inequalities 4. Application of Integrals
5. Principle Of Mathematical Induction
6. Complex Numbers And Quadratic Equations
7. Permutation And Combination
8. Sets
9. Binomial Theorem
KCET Biology Syllabus
I PU Biology Syllabus II PU Biology Syllabus
1. Body fluids and Circulation 1. Microbes in Human Welfare
2. Locomotion and Movement 2. Environmental Issues
3. Excretory Products and their Elimination 3. Biotech: Principles and Processes
4. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 4. Organism and Population
5. Locomotion and Movement 5. Biotech: Application
6. Respiration in Plants 6. Biodiversity and Conservation
7. Plant Growth and Development 7. Reproduction in Organisms
8. Ecosystem 8. Digestion and Absorption
9. Morphology of Flowering Plants 9. Reproductive Health
10. Cell Cycle and Cell Division 10. Human Reproduction
11. Biomolecules 11. Evolution
12. Anatomy and Flowering Plants
13. Plant Kingdom
14. Living World
15. Breathing and Exchange of Gases

KCET 2023 Physics First Year PUC Syllabus

KCET 2023 syllabus first-year PUC include Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy & Power, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Gravitation, Properties of Bulk Matter, Thermodynamics, Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory, Oscillations and Waves.

Chapters Weightage
Gravitation 8
Motion in a straight line 7
Oscillations 7
Thermodynamics 7
Mechanical properties of solids 4
Mechanical properties of fluids 4
Kinetic theory 4
Units and measurement 3
Physical-world 2

KCET 2023 Physics Second Year PUC Syllabus

KCET portions 2023 of second-year PUC includes Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic induction and Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual nature of matter and radiation, Atoms and Nuclei, Electronics devices, Communication system.

Chapters Weightage
Magnetism and Matter 7
Alternating Current 7
Electromagnetic Induction 6
Nuclei 6
Atoms 5
Communication Systems 3
Electromagnetic Waves 2

KCET 2023 Chemistry First Year PUC Syllabus

The first-year PUC of KCET Chemistry syllabus include Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of elements and periodicity in properties, Chemical bonding and molecular structure, States of Matter: Gases & Liquids, Chemical Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox reactions, Hydrogen, S-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals), Some p-blocks elements, Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements.

Chapters Weightage
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 8
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 8
Some p – Block Elements 7
s – Block Elements 6
Thermodynamics 4
Redox reactions 4
Hydrogen 3
Environmental chemistry 2

KCET 2023 Chemistry Second Year PUC Syllabus

The second-year PUC of KCET Chemistry syllabus include Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, p-Block Elements, d and f Block Elements, Co-ordination compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarene, Alcohols, Phenols and Ether, Aldehydes and Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Organic compounds containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life.

Chapters Weightage
Solid State 7
Solutions 7
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 7
Coordination Compounds 6
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 6
Surface chemistry 6
Biomolecules 6
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 5
Polymers 5
Chemistry in Everyday Life 4
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements 4

KCET 2023 Mathematics First Year PUC Syllabus

KCET Maths syllabus includes topics such as Sets, Binomial Theorem, Mathematical Reasoning, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Linear Inequalities, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Permutation and Combination, Introduction to 3D Geometry, Statistics.

Chapters Weightage
Complex Numbers And Quadratic Equations 9
Permutation And Combination 9
Binomial Theorem 8
Sets 8
Introduction to 3D Geometry 7
Linear Inequalities 7
Statistics 7
Mathematical Reasoning 6
Principle Of Mathematical Induction 5

KCET 2023 Mathematics Second Year PUC Syllabus

KCET exam syllabus includes Matrices, Linear Programming, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, and Application of Integrals.

Chapters Weightage
Matrices 9
Inverse Trigonometric Functions 8
Application Of Integrals 8
Linear Programming 7

KCET 2023 Biology First Year PUC Syllabus

KCET Biology syllabus for first-year PUC includes Living World, Plant Kingdom, Body Fluids and Circulations, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Digestion and Absorption, Plant Growth and Development, Respiration in Plants, Morphology of flowering plants, Biomolecules, Cell Cycle and Cell Division, Locomotion and Movement, Excretory Products and their elimination.

Chapters Weightage
Neural Control and Co-ordination 5
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 5
Respiration in Plants 5
Plant Growth and Development 5
Plant Growth and Development 5
Biomolecules 5
Plant Kingdom 5
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 5
Body fluids and Circulation 4
Morphology of Flowering Plants 4
Anatomy and Flowering Plants 4
Locomotion and Movement 4
Breathing and Exchange of Gases 3
Living World 3
Excretory Products and their Elimination 3
Digestion and Absorption 3
Biological Classification 2

KCET 2023 Biology Second Year PUC Syllabus

Karnataka CET syllabus 2023 for Biology for second-year PUC includes Microbes in Human Welfare, Reproduction in Organisms, Biotech: Principles and Processes, Environmental Issues, Biotech: Application, Biodiversity and Conservation, Organism and Population, Ecosystem, Reproductive Health, Human Reproduction, Evolution.

Chapters Weightage
Human Reproduction 7
Microbes in Human Welfare 6
Biotech: Principles and Processes 6
Organism and Population 6
Ecosystem 6
Environmental Issues 6
Biotech: Application 5
Reproduction in Organisms 5
Reproductive Health 5
Evolution 5
Biodiversity and Conservation 4

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A: Explore our online KCET COURSE for comprehensive CET TRAINING.

What's Covered in KCET 2023 Syllabus?

A: Our courses align with the KCET 2023 syllabus.

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